Terms and Conditions of Infinity
White Label Solution

Owner of Infinity and related Services Infinity Innovations, Inc. team@startinfinity.com

These Terms of Use (the “Terms” or “Agreement”) is a legally binding agreement between the user, partner or subscriber of the Services (the “User” or “you”) and Infinity Innovations, Inc., (the “Infinity”, “StartInfinity”, “Start Infinity”, “we” or “us”).

By registering for the Services or by accessing or using the Services or Product, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by the Terms. If you are entering into this Agreement on behalf of a business or other legal entity, you represent that you have the authority to bind such entity to this Agreement, in which case the terms “User”, “you” or “your” shall refer to such entity. If you do not have such authority, or if you do not agree with the terms of this Agreement, you must not accept this Agreement and may not use the Services. You acknowledge that these Terms are a contract between you and Infinity, even though it is electronic and is not physically signed by you, and it governs your use of the Services.


Services: The “Services” is a completely brand-free work management platform with or without a custom domain, which may be used as a stand-alone solution or integrated into your existing ecosystem. The platform will be available at any URL designated by the User. The Services enable Users to create work/data management workspaces for in-house use and pass the ownership to the clients, offer access for free to their clients, give access to the platform’s content and data to clients and partners, and build custom work management solutions to clients and give them access, etc.

The Services offered fall under a White Label add-on for workspaces or White Label Agency Plan.


Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Infinity hereby grants you permission to access and use the Services and the Product in accordance with this Agreement and the limitations of the Subscription Plan that you select when subscribing to the Services. You represent and warrant that: (a) all registration information you submit is truthful and accurate; (b) you will maintain the accuracy of such information; (c) you are at least 18 years of age or the other minimum age provided under your law of your residence country and have the capacity and authority to enter into this Agreement; and (d) your use of the Services does not and will not violate any applicable law or regulation. If you are under 18, you may not register or attempt to register for the Services.

Restrictions: You may not, directly or indirectly, (a) sublicense, resell, rent, lease, transfer, assign, time-share or otherwise commercially exploit or make the Services or any portion thereof available to any third party; (b) use the Services for any purpose or in any manner that is unlawful (including without limitation in violation of any data, privacy, anti-bribery or export control laws) or is prohibited by this Agreement; (c) read or attempt to read or derive the source code of the Services or the software underlying the Services (except as permitted by law); (d) work around any technical limitations in the Services; (e) interfere or attempt to interfere with or disrupt the integrity, security, functionality or performance of the Services or its components; (f) use the Services in any manner that damages or impairs the Product or interferes with any other party’s use of the Services; (g) modify, translate, adapt, create or attempt to create any derivative works of the Services; (h) access the Services and Product if you are a competitor of ours or use the Services to build a similar or competitive work; (i) hack or otherwise attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Services or its related systems or networks; or (j) use or launch any automated system, including, “robots,” “spiders,” or “offline readers,” that sends more request messages to our servers in a given period of time than a human can reasonably produce in the same period by using a conventional browser. You will promptly notify Infinity if you learn of any unauthorized use or breach of security related to the Services.

In case you’d like to become a reseller or redistributor, please submit your application via this form and we’ll review your request: https://app.startinfinity.com/form/428bcec4-5030-41f3-890a-3c9cb1aeeb64

Content: You are solely responsible for all data, information, suggestions, text, content, and other materials that you upload to the platform. Infinity has the right, but not the obligation, to monitor the Content, the Services, and your use thereof. You agree that we may remove or disable any Content that we in good faith determine violates any applicable law, the terms of this Agreement, or any third party right (including, but not limited to, upon receipt of any claim or allegation by a third party or governmental or regulatory authority relating to such Content. You understand that the Services, including any Content in the Platform, may be unencrypted and involve (a) transmissions over various networks; (b) changes to conform and adapt to technical requirements of connecting networks or devices; and (c) transmission to Infinity’s third-party vendors and hosting partners to provide the necessary hardware, software, networking, storage, and related technology required to operate and maintain the Services. Furthermore, you acknowledge and agree that you bear sole responsibility for adequate security, protection and backup of the Platform and you warrant and represent that your Platform and your use of your Platform will not violate any applicable law or any third party right. Infinity will have no liability for any unauthorized access or use of your Platform, or any corruption, deletion, destruction or loss thereof. You understand and agree that we may monitor your use of the Services as well as the use of the Services by all of our users and that we may use the information gathered in an aggregate and anonymous manner. You agree that we may use and publish such aggregated and anonymized information, provided that such information does not identify you. In addition, we may use the information that you submit to the Services without identifying you for purposes of improving the Services.

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