10 OKR Software to Set Goals, Track and Measure Results

10 OKR Software to Set Goals, Track and Measure Results

Mar 17, 2022   13 Min Read
OKR software can help you set and track objectives and results achieved. Use one of these 10 tools to structure and reach your business goals.

OKR is a goal-setting framework that can truly superpower growth, employee motivation and satisfaction at the same time, provided you know how to use it.

If you’ve been struggling with outlining business goals, ways to achieve them, and defining the metrics to help you track them, then this could be the right moment to implement an OKR software into your workflow. 

OKR software presents a great way for you to make setting objectives and tracking metrics as painless as possible, and can also help you get a better idea of both your team’s performance and productivity.

With all that in mind, we’ve reviewed 10 OKR tools that will not only make it clear to everyone in your team what’s expected of them, but also help you all deliver better results—faster—no matter the niche you are in. 

But before we get to the actual list, let’s first talk about key features to look for in this type of software.

Features Every OKR Software Should Have

So, how do you pick the right OKR tool for you? Here are some important features to consider: 

  • Great UX/UI—There are tools that can make the entire OKR methodology more fun for everyone on your team. The best OKR software has a clear and intuitive interface, provides a smooth onboarding process, and makes setting and reaching objectives exciting. This can be of great importance if some of your team members are not tech-savvy while some OKR platforms also offer OKR coaching.
  • Visualization Features—In order to be able to reach your goals, you need to be able to display them in various ways. Look for an OKR software that offers multiple views, such as the table or Gantt chart view to make it easy to understand metrics, track individual progress, goals achieved, and overall adoption. 
  • Flexible and Customizable—A flexible and customizable OKR platform is a must if you want to truly leverage the benefits of this framework, especially since there’s a great chance you’ll be implementing some changes along the way. As your team size increases, you’ll be having a lot more things on your plate, which is why it is so important to find a tool that is a proper fit for both small and large teams. To conclude, the OKR software you are using should be able to easily adapt to any changes made and evolve accordingly. 
  • Communication Features—The best OKR tracking software fosters team collaboration. Use a tool that simplifies providing feedback, helps with spotting and resolving bottlenecks, and makes sure everyone is aligned with the organization’s priorities and goals. 

10 Best OKR Software to Try Out in 2023

1. Infinity — A Fully Flexible OKR Software for Teams of All Sizes 

Infinity best OKR software

Image Source: startinfinity.com

As far as OKR software goes, Infinity can provide the right structure for setting, managing, and tracking OKRs, as well as planning all the initiatives needed to achieve your goals. This tool can also help you with communicating your OKRs clearly, focusing your team’s efforts and providing you with full visibility of progress on your OKRs.

Using Infinity, you can break down each objective into tasks, prioritize the ones that would bring you most value, assign tasks to team members in a click, track progress, and measure success for each objective. All this will help you and your team become more aligned and efficient, which will result in achieving objectives way easier. 

Been using it for a couple weeks now and really like it. The team likes the ease of use with the flexibility for each team member to have a view customized to their preference. We were using Excel mixed with Trello for weekly priorities and this makes having one setup where we can move things fluidly.”Mat Houchens, Product Hunt review

Another great benefit of this tool is that it comes with over 50 templates, including a dedicated OKR template which you can use to define and set your OKRs, and ensure all of your team members understand how their efforts fit into the bigger company goals.

Need more convincing? Check out this short Infinity walkthrough that will show you how easy it is to use the tool:

Key Features 

  • Infinite Structure—Infinity offers you endless possibilities to organize work and your OKRs. A workspace is your starting point, and then, there are boards, folders, subfolders, tabs, and items that make the tool’s interface neat and your things properly structured.
  • 7 Views—There is not just one, but 6 ways to view your data. Use the Kanban board to track progress on tasks and OKRs, the Gantt chart for a better overview of the timeline, or List, Table, Calendar, and Form views for anything else you need.
  • 20+ Attributes—If you want to do the OKR thing right, you need to be able to easily set deadlines, assign tasks, and track status and progress. Infinity’s set of attributes can cover all this, and more! 
  • Customization Features—Infinity gives you a plethora of options to customize how you see your data. Group items by selected attributes, filter out some, select multiple items at a time, change the color of your boards, folders, statuses, etc. 
  • Team Collaboration—As already mentioned, team alignment with OKRs is necessary if you want to achieve your objectives. Infinity offers multiple ways to communicate and collaborate with your team and ensure everyone is on the same page. For instance, you can leave comments and reactions to comments and track the latest changes on the board level via the activity log. 
  • Notifications—Working on big things, sometimes it’s hard to stay updated on all of the changes on the organization level. Infinity makes sure you stay on top of everything and notifies you whenever someone mentions you or assigns you a task. 
  • Automations—Reminders, recurring tasks, IFTTT rules—all these can mean a lot when you are overworked or handling multiple initiatives at the same time. Setting up an automation takes less than a minute!
  • Mobile and Desktop Apps—Thanks to Infinity’s mobile and desktop apps, you can keep track of OKRs no matter if you are working from the office, commuting, or while sipping a drink on a beach. 
  • Integrations—Infinity connects with thousands of apps via Zapier, Trello, and Clockify. You can also build custom integrations and simplify workflows. by using API and webhooks.


Infinity's Basic plans start from $3.75 per user per month, while Pro plans start from $6 per user per month. There's also a 14-day free trial available, which every user gets once they create an account.


2. Weekdone — A Reputable OKR Software

Weekdone OKR software

Image Source: weekdone.com 

Weekdone is one of the most popular OKR software out there, for a few massive reasons. This tool makes it a breeze to set structured goals and measurable objectives and crush them. 

Using Weekdone, you can track progress on goals, encourage team members by upvoting them on the Leaderboard. This way, you’ll boost their morale and encourage them to do even better. With this tool, you can also organize weekly check-ins, encourage feedback, and provide more clarity to all teams. 

Some of the other features that make Weekdone a noteworthy OKR tool include real-time dashboards and the goal hierarchy feature, both of which are great for visualization and goal tracking. And then, there is advanced reporting and analytics you can use to keep an eye on team weekly performance.  

To conclude, Weekwone is an OKR-focused tool you can use for anything from outlining plans to setting goals, tracking progress, and creating useful weekly reports. Plus, they offer unlimited OKR coaching, just in case you need some help along the way. 

Key Features

  • Weekly Planning 
  • Intuitive Dashboards 
  • Personalized OKR Reviews
  • Team Collaboration Features (Comments, Likes, Reactions)
  • Progress Breakdowns by User 
  • OKR Reporting
  • Newsfeed
  • OKR Coaching and Support 
  • Slack, Microsoft Teams, Asana Integrations + 1,500 Custom Integrations via Zapier 


Weekdone has free and paid plans starting from $90/month/billed annually.  

3. Flowyteam — A Performance Management and OKR Software 

Flowyteam OKR tools

Image Source: flowyteam.com 

Flowyteam is a comprehensive OKR tracking software, performance management and a productivity software at the same time. Used by managers, business owners, and CEOs, this tool is built to empower teams to embrace the benefits of the agile business world, which includes strategic goal setting, tracking performance, and generating performance reports. 

Goal setting is a breeze with Flowyteam since it makes it convenient to set objectives and then link either team or personal key results to them. Once you get things going, you can monitor progress on your KPI dashboard and, based on that, offer personalized rewards to employees to keep them motivated. 

Flowyteam lets you get a full overview of individual, team, and company performance so you can eventually re-strategize and ensure OKRs are met. You can also use the tool to run weekly or 1-1 check-ins and decide whether some tasks should be put on hold, archived, or continued with. 

All in all, this engaging and interactive OKR software could be the one you are looking for if you want to start implementing OKRs and KPIs into your workflow and grow smarter and faster. 

Key Features 

  • List and Calendar Views 
  • Kanban Boards 
  • Gantt and Burndown Charts 
  • Task and Project Management 
  • 360-Degree Reviews and Weekly Check-Ins 
  • KPI Reports 
  • Employee Rewards 
  • Learning Hub 


You can use Flowyteam for 6 months for free, and then continue using it for free if your team counts up to 10 people. If there are more of you guys, every user past the 10th will be charged $5/month. 

4. Profit.co — A Clean and Intuitive OKR Software 

Profit.co OKR tool

Image Source: profit.co 

In order to be successful at what you do, you need to set and prioritize goals, focus on them, and measure results. Profit.co is among the best OKR tools that can help you with all this, plus it can save you some time and make your employees more engaged so you can execute strategies even when your resources are limited. 

Profit.co made a step-by-step guide and an OKR template that helps you set objectives, target dates, connect tasks with key results, set visibility, and create an overall alignment. The best thing is that it takes less than 5 minutes to be all set up! 

Also, Profit.co gives you 7 types of results to track any type of goal effortlessly thanks to more than 400 inbuilt and custom KPIs. Tracking progress on OKRs via dashboard and spotting bottlenecks is super-easy thanks to heatmaps while you can also export files from the dashboard.

Lastly, this OKR software ensures the team works together and collaborates on tasks. Team members can mention each other within tasks, save their learnings using tags, and more. Managers can reward team members that perform slightly better than the rest and give them reward points, which can create a positive atmosphere within your organization and motivate members to be more creative and efficient. 

Key Features

  • OKR Guides and Templates
  • 7 Key Result Types
  • Dashboards 
  • 400+ KPIs
  • Favorite OKRs
  • Real-Time Heatmaps 
  • File Export 
  • Performance Reward Points 
  • OKR Backlogs 
  • Automated Reminders and Notifications


Profit. co has a free plan while their paid plans start at $7/user/month.  

5. Betterworks — The Best OKR Software for Teams Counting 5 to 250 People

Betterworks OKR software

Image Source: betterworks.com 

Betterworks is a performance management software and an OKR tool at the same time. Use it to set priorities and goals, align your teams, and provide transparency on things that are being worked on. 

With Betterworks, you can easily outline how your objectives fit into your organization’s strategy and quickly adapt to whatever happens in the business environment to make sure the objectives you previously set are met. 

This OKR software also helps you spot opportunities and roadblocks and solve them, track progress (both on individual and team level), and even provides automated updates, which can save up some of your valuable time. 

Overall, Betterworks is the type of tool companies use to identify opportunities, analyze workforce strengths, encourage progress towards objectives, and eventually, drive better performance.

Key Features

  • Trees/Charts 
  • Progress Tracking
  • Real-Time Feedback
  • Comments and Reactions
  • Insights/Analytics 
  • Dashboards 
  • Coaching 
  • Slack and Email Integrations


Betterworks’ Team Edition pricing starts at $8/user/month. 

6. Workboard — An Easy-to-Use OKR Tool

Workboard OKR platform

Image Source: workboard.com

Workboard is an OKR software that keeps teams and objectives aligned and ensures that priorities are set straight and that everything that is being done is for the sake of achieving these results at a faster pace. 

Although most of their customers are high-scale companies, you can use this tool to align teams with goals and measure results across your organization no matter its size. What users like about Workboard is that you can apply several frameworks besides OKR, which include GTD (get things done) and MBO (management by objective), within just one app.

Setting objectives and priorities, creating tasks, leaving comments so everyone from the team gets feedback on time, taking notes, and measuring results is literally a breeze with Workboard.  

The team behind this tool has also developed the entire framework and even listed a bunch of examples to help you plan out, implement and execute your OKR strategy successfully.

Key Features

  • Goal Setting and Tracking
  • Goal Management
  • Customizable Dashboards 
  • Time and Status Tracking
  • Reporting/Analytics 
  • Alerts/Notifications
  • Negative Feedback Management 
  • OKR Coaching
  • Slack, Jira, Microsoft Team, and Other Integrations


Workboard keeps their pricing a secret while they still do have a free trial.

7. Ally.io — A Colorful OKR Platform 

Ally.io best OKR software

Image Source: ally.io

Ally.io makes everything much more fun thanks to the tool’s colorful and engaging software that can make you addicted to crushing your goals. This OKR software is built to help you with setting objectives quickly and managing them with ease so you can devote more of your time to achieving them. 

This super comprehensible tool can be used by anyone who wants to move towards the right goals. You can get started with using it within 15 minutes and start seeing real results almost within days. 

How exactly do you do that? Well, there are several OKR templates you can load to get started and naturally adopt the OKR methodology without formal training. Next, all you have to do is to create specific OKRs, create tasks, add team members to shared OKRs, and start tracking progress and results. 

This OKR software ensures everyone from the team is engaged and aligned with OKRs. You can discuss progress, delegate tasks if someone is struggling with theirs, leave kudos each time a goal is met, etc. With Ally.io, you really don’t have to guess how things are going since the tool features advanced reporting as well. 

Key Features

  • Built-In OKR Templates
  • Company, Team, and Individual OKRs
  • OKR Dependencies 
  • OKR Scoring
  • OKR Check-Ins
  • Dashboards 
  • Smart Alerts and Automated Reminders 
  • OKR Coaching and Consulting 
  • Slack, Asana, Jira, and Other Integrations 


Ally.io’s pricing starts at $7/user/month when billed annually while the minimum requirement is that there are at least 12 people on your team. 

8. Perdoo — A Feature-Rich OKR Software 

Perdoo OKR tracking software

Image Source: perdoo.com

Perdoo is the type of tool you can use for setting objectives and key results, communicating strategies, connecting, achieving more goals, and getting more and more successful in what you do. 

Thanks to this OKR tool’s Growth Boards, you can, at any moment, easily track progress on the goals set and find ways to propel growth faster. With Perdoo, you can create a roadmap and then bring up strategic timelines. These timelines make it clearer what worked in the past so you can adjust these strategies and potentially reuse them. 

Yet, it all goes null and void if you can’t track data. Don’t worry, Perdoo can help with that, too! This OKR platform features fully customizable dashboards that make it easier to spot issues and act on them while there are pre-built reports as well.

Finally, just in case you want to find success even faster, Perdoo’s resources and coaching can help with turning your most ambitious goals into reality. 

Key Features

  • Roadmapping Features
  • Clone OKRs 
  • Strategic Timelines 
  • Growth Boards 
  • Private OKRs and KPIs 
  • Weekly Progress Reports
  • Performance and Engagement Reports 
  • Custom Integrations  


Perdoo has a free plan while their paid plans start at $6.5/user/month.

9. Tability — A Simplified OKR Tracking Software

Tability OKR software

Image Source: tability.io 

Tability is an OKR software built to provide all of you who used to keep and track your OKRs within a spreadsheet with a smart and simple solution. You can use it for anything from creating plans for tracking your OKRs to getting reminded about the latest updates and checking in progress with the team.

Tability created several free templates to jumpstart your OKR tracking. You can simply edit and combine OKRs from these templates and start seeing better results almost instantly. 

Next, with Tability, you can also plan and create tasks, connect them to outcomes you want to achieve, and see how all this fits in together. The Strategy Map takes you a step further and allows you to see the full picture of how your teams and OKRs align at a glance. 

Next, Tability’s reporting features and shareable reports will help you plan insights and visualize stats and data, see outcomes for everything that has been planned while you’ll also receive weekly progress right to your inbox.  

This OKR tool integrates with Slack and Jira, meaning—you can get progress reports directly to your inbox, spot issues, connect them with tasks, and do everything you can to reach the goals set. Finally, Tability connects with over 4,000 apps via Zapier so you can automate check-ins, and more! 

Key Features

  • OKR Templates
  • Plan Editor, Review, and Notes
  • Strategy Maps 
  • Activity Feeds
  • Daily Task Reminders 
  • Progres Charts 
  • Auto Task Transitions
  • Weekly Reports 
  • CVS and PDF Export 


Tability has a free plan for teams of 5 people while their paid plans start at $39/month for teams with up to 25 members. 

10. OKRstudio — Among the Best OKR Tools for Startups and SMEs

OKRstudio OKR tools

Image Source: okrstudio.com

OKRstudio is the type of tool that is solely focused on OKRs so you can start using the OKR framework meaningfully and truly aim your attention at achieving goals. This OKR software has zero learning curve and onboarding teams takes no more than 1 hour.

To kickstart your OKR processes and overall team performance, you can select from over 200 templates and customize them to your liking. Just in case you’re not overly familiar with the OKR methodology, you can find multiple examples within the tool that will help you do the business, sales, and marketing stuff right. 

OKRstudio keeps you updated about OKR progress using smart notifications while heatmaps can give you a better idea of how your team is doing. The tool’s people analytics provides you with insights into how each member of your team is doing so you can easily stay in control. 

This OKR platform has recently implemented a cool feature—an AI-powered OKR builder that helps with expressing goals and intents and turning them actionable. 

Key Features

  • OKR Templates
  • OKR Examples
  • Progress Tracking
  • Smart Notifications
  • Performance Heatmaps 
  • People Analytics 
  • Multiple Integrations 


OKRstudio has a free plan for up to 3 users and several paid plans for bigger teams starting at $5.99/month.

Wrap Up 

Understanding and implementing the OKR framework is doable without an OKR software, but takes way more time. And, if you’re like most people, you want to drive your business’s growth without waiting for too long so implementing this kind of tool into your workflow seems more than logical.  

Today, we did a rundown of all the OKR tools that can help with this exactly—applying the powerful OKR practice the right way so it gives you the best results. 

And if you feel like Infinity could be the software to truly help you maximize all the benefits of the OKR framework, feel free to schedule a demo call with one of our friendly agents right away. 


Danijela Tomić
Danijela Tomić
Danijela is a political science major turned content writer who has different topics and industries at the tips of her fingers. There is almost no topic she's not familiar with, which her work definitely reflects. Her goal is to live a life with purpose and to help people get outside their comfort zone.

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